Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas and a happy Boxing Day!

Alright, well people, it's officially my first Boxing day home. I've celebrated thus far by going to Salt Lake to move a piano and playing some football in the snow. Sounds pretty ideal to me. As for Christmas itself, there were plenty of good times had. Definitely didn't enjoy much basketball, except for the Lakers/Cavs game where the "Akron Hammer" (aka Lebron James) smacked Kobe up and down the court. Pretty tasty stuff. I did want to hit on one thing. On Christmas Eve, I had to work for about four hours. I'm okay with that. I would have probably just spent those four hours on my butt anyway so it was good to rake in some money for it. I did find it pretty pathetic how many people's lives are so lonely or boring that they decide to call into a company and either yell at us or complain or something like that. Somebody must be in quite a sad situation if they're willing to do that on Christmas eve. Oh well, definitely worth the money I earned since I didn't have to put up with too much. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and those who didn't, I hope you can find the truth so that you can next year! Go Trojans in the Emerald Bowl tonight! Out...

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Big Opener

Alright my people in I've-got-nothing-better-to-do-with-my-life land. I'm officially opening up the blog for good. What will I post here? Who knows. Will anybody follow it? Do I really care if anybody does? Answer to those two questions....big fat no. As of right now, we've got one crazy week ahead and it is off to a great start thus far. Jim Rome was hitting the big debate of the take or to run? Not football, not the big playoff implications going on throughout the NFL or the early bowl season getting underway. He was amid heated discussion about whether to let Vinnie Mac take another shot at Jungle Glory....errrrr telling all those "Raggedy Ann's and Andy's" that he's the "Bottle on the top shelf". Way to be. Unfortunately, I got to work and didn't get to hear what happened. If anybody's got some insight for me, lemme know. I was highly anticipating that call.
Using the Rome Jungle system, I will be monitoring any and all posts on this blog and if you don't have a legit take, I'm gonna have to run you. Your posts must make my blog better and if they don't, I'm gonna have to run you. Plain and simple. So, bring it on. Let's get some good takes on here. Doesn't matter if it's sports, news, politics, celebs, whatever. Bring it on!